Monday, September 8, 2008

First Night Out

Warning, this post contains no pictures of Henry.

A friend and co-worker (same person!) invited us to his wedding, so Mom and Dad had an opportunity to go out on our own. We've been out without Henry a few times previous, to see a movie or have dinner, but this was the first outing of any real consequence. It was an especially big deal for Mom, because while Dad is forced to spend 8 or 9 hours a day with his nose to the grindstone, she's never really spent that much time away from the little tyke.

The ceremony was nice, but the reception, held at the Green Gables Restaurant, was simply amazing. The restaurant and surrounding lands were simply beautiful, featuring a rustic building paired with a perfectly manicured lakefront lawn. Besides being beautiful everywhere you looked, the food was delicious, and the open bar

Though the only people we had more than a passing acquaintance with were coworkers, it was no problem because Bon and I generally get along really well with all of them. In short, we had a really great time.


H.E. said...

Love the picture of you guys. Miss you all!

Victoria Bennett Beyer said...

You two are so color coordinated!
Glad you had a good time.