Sunday, October 12, 2008

A Day at the Museum

Who knew? September 27th was National Museum Day, and the Carnegie Museums participated. Total Culbertson family savings: 30 bucks! That's practically a case of beer (Dad buys expensive beer).

It was our first opportunity to see the recently redone dinosaur exhibit. Not only is it really beautiful, its as educational (museums educational? - news at 11:00!) as you want it to be: if you just want to walk through and look at the reconstructed skeletons, you'll be happy. On the other hand, if you have the time and inclination to use the interactive exhibits, you'll be rewarded with a great deal of pretty cool information. Henry is on the far side of the first category (and Mom might have an even shorter attention span), so I didn't get to dig very deep, but I did get to watch one cool little video about how paleontologist use the shape of the bones in the legs to figure out the gait. It would be cool to go back and spend some time exploring.

Henry, mildly amused

One of the coolest things about the refurb is how well it uses the space. The exhibit butts up against the Carnegie Library, and the windows of the library offer an unobstructed view onto the exhibit.

For the record, Henry made it through about half the museum - but that's still better than Mom usually does.

Mom, Dad, and Henry

1 comment:

Julie said...

I can't get over how much Henry looks like John in that first picture!