Sunday, June 29, 2008

A week of firsts

Sorry for the light posting, but all I've really been able to say, lately, is how tired I am. From what I understand, that's going to be normal for the next 18 or so years, so I thought I'd not harp on it too much right now. There will be plenty of time for "Guess how tired I am?" posts.

This was a week of firsts for Henry.

Henry's first outdoor concert (The Old 97's).Henry got to meet his newborn cousin Austin, for the first time:Henry found his thumb for the first time:

He even watched his first Bike Race - the Tour of Pennsylvania bike race went right past our house:

Completely Mom's Milk Machines!

Also, his umbilical cord fell off. Or at least, most of it did. There's still a sort of umbilical stump. The kid had a honker of a cord, at least as big around as my little finger, I'm guessing the healing for something that big has to occur in stages. I tried to convince Mom to keep it, in a baggy, as something we could use to embarass him or gross him out as he got older. She used her amazing powers of better judgement to overrule me.

Even with all of the excitement of sharing in Henry's many firsts, Dad and Mom both have their favorite moments:


The Pedersens said...

Awesome week of firsts...thanks for sharing. I'm proud to have been around for at least one of these. I'm a Henry fan, so keep the posts coming!


Victoria Bennett Beyer said...

That bike race picture is a bit of lovely photography, John. It sounds at least like you guys won't be boring, shut in parents, what, with all activities last week.

iptydafu said...

Chenille? -Seriously?

Regina Eva said...

Milk Machines? can you please use the proper terminology, "la leche jugz"?

Anonymous said...

So great to see you guys last week! It seems like you have made a great life for yourselves up there. Can't wait to get to know Henry more as a he grows up, so keep up the posts as long as your weary hands can type. :-) Grandma says we better come up more since the drive wasn't that long, so hopefully we'll be back up again soon. Take care!

P.S. All that voodoo crap was's a BOY!!!