Monday, June 29, 2009

Our Son, the Daredevil - and a possible First Word!

Pictures from a few weeks ago, at Henry's cousin's birthday party. We decided to try introducing Henry to the slide.

Easing into it

A bigger slide with Mom

Going down (mostly) on his own!

The boy doesn't seem to be afraid of anything. We're taking him skydiving next week.

Also of note, possible big news on the development front. Mom and I think Henry said his first word. To better present the situation to you, the reader, I humbly present this short play:

MOM, DAD, and HENRY are walking along the river trail, and MOM and DAD see SOME RANDOM JOE walking a dog across the street.

MOM (pointing): Henry, do you see the doggy?

DAD (also pointing): Oooh, Henry, look! A doggy!

MOM: Where's the doggy, Henry, do you see it?

HENRY (also pointing): (silence)

MOM: Is that a doggy?

DAD: What noise do doggies make, Henry? Doggies go 'woof woof'!

MOM: Can you say doggy, Henry? Doggy?

DAD: That's a big doggy, Henry! Isn't that a big doggy?

MOM, DAD, and HENRY begin to walk away

HENRY: Doggy!

MOM and DAD, together: (silence)


Keep in mind, this was actually the abridged version. A more faithful representation would've had Mom and Dad saying the word 'doggy' in different sentences for at least another 2 minutes.

We both heard it, and it was as clear as the proverbial bell. Not "Daaa", or "awg", but "Doggy". While it was a moment we've both been waiting for, it was pronounced so clearly - said so matter-of-factly - that we can't help but double-guess ourselves and assume we heard it wrong.

We spent the next half an hour trying to get him to say it again, but of course the little monster wouldn't do anything but babble. He gets his stubborn obstinance from his Mom.

Bonus smiling Henry picture:

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