Sunday, August 10, 2008

Henry's Diverse Smiles

Hello, is this thing on?

Sorry, again, for the lack of updates. I'm sure our millions (billions?) of fans have been checking daily, sometimes hourly, for updates, and I'm sorry to have let you all down. My excuse? I'm lazy.

Anyways, just a short update.

The internet says that babies often have distinct smiles for the different people in their lives, and Henry is no different. Though they are similar, he has developed subtly different smiles for his Mom and his Dad. We've been lucky enough to capture some examples.

This is a picture of Henry's special smile for his mom:

And this is a picture of the special smile Henry seen only by his dad:

The differences are so subtle that I think even regular readers might have trouble telling them apart, so here are two more examples.

Mom's special smile:

The special smile Henry saves for Dad:


Victoria Bennett Beyer said...

Subtle isn't the word that comes to mind...sorry John.

Bonnie said...

We're so close to him, we see every nuance...sometimes it's hard to determine whether the little details that we notice (because he's ours, and we spend every day with him) will be noticeable by the general public.

Or maybe you just have good eyes, what with all the photography you've been doing?

Regina Eva said...

Love the photos!