Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Blessing and Curse of the Baby Bjorn

Since before Henry was born Mom and I have shared a vision of how he and I would interact during his first few months. We knew that he'd be building a strong bond with his Mom, and that we would need to set aside activities that Henry would associate with his Dad. One idea was to use the Baby Bjorn, a front-carrier that's all the rage these days.

I had this vision that the Bjorn would be the sole province of Dad, and that Henry and I would use the Baby Bjorn all the time. (Secretly, I hoped that I could use it to play video games while he slept.)

Henry does love his Bjorn...

...and he often falls asleep in it...

...but he only sleeps as long as he's moving, so you've got to keep walking. And, to be honest, he prefers that you have a little bounce to your walk, so you'd best hop to it.

Also, it turns out that he now only likes his Bjorn; Now that he's used to seeing the world when he's out and about, he's spoiled, and neither Mom nor Dad can get him to stay in his stroller.

Daily walks in the Bjorn are now required.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Sunday Stroll

Not a big post, just a quick photo.

Dad is attempting to get back on to the blogging bandwagon, and the resolution is to post more often, even if the posts are a little lighter on content.

Sunday marked our return to brunch at Piper's Pub. Piper's is, hands down, our favorite Sunday brunch, but Bon and I hadn't been there since about a month before Henry was born. The food was as good as we remembered, but we couldn't help but be a little bit miffed that our "regular" waiter, a guy who as recently as 3 months ago was seeing us every Sunday, couldn't be bothered to say "Hey guys, haven't seen you in a while!" or "Congratulations on the new edition to your family!" or even "Wow, you're a lot less fat than the last time I saw you!".

Anyways, after brunch, a leisurely stroll along the trail with some friends. Enough about them though (other than to mention that their daughter is cute-as-a-button, and is first in line to be Henry's girlfriend), look at the cute picture they took of us!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Henry's Diverse Smiles

Hello, is this thing on?

Sorry, again, for the lack of updates. I'm sure our millions (billions?) of fans have been checking daily, sometimes hourly, for updates, and I'm sorry to have let you all down. My excuse? I'm lazy.

Anyways, just a short update.

The internet says that babies often have distinct smiles for the different people in their lives, and Henry is no different. Though they are similar, he has developed subtly different smiles for his Mom and his Dad. We've been lucky enough to capture some examples.

This is a picture of Henry's special smile for his mom:

And this is a picture of the special smile Henry seen only by his dad:

The differences are so subtle that I think even regular readers might have trouble telling them apart, so here are two more examples.

Mom's special smile:

The special smile Henry saves for Dad: